Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Name

A Trademark or Trademark Name is a vitally essential and immensely significant intellectual property of a company or firm, for doing distinguished and profitable business in any interested economic field, anywhere in the world. For the best possible prominence and profitability of products or services of a company, its unique and impressive trademark does play a crucial role. Hence, creation, registration, and all-round protection of a trademark or service mark, are certainly of inestimably high importance in the world of progressive and secured businesses. Therefore, our well-developed and globally famed law firm based in India, offer the complete expanse of legal services for trademarks and service marks used by entities active in various economic fields, as an essential legal service of it.

We have been extending and performing superb and swift services in all other areas of the law, for impressive and great benefits to companies located in all across the whole world. In this article, being provided is great and uncommon information regarding our services for trademark name registrations in all across India, and all other countries of the entire world. Our these expert and responsible trademark name services at international level worldwide are extended in compliance with the rules and regulations of the TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. Moreover, all classes of trademarks and service marks are served comprehensively and adeptly by ours internationally renowned and mellow trademark attorneys.

Trademark Name Registration Services

In this separate section, we are informing about our dutiful, perfect, and economical legal services for registration of trademark names in all across India. Ours these prompt and responsible services for trademark name india, are enormously famous and popular by Indian and foreign entities in diverse economic sectors. Our wise and percipient clients are supported and served throughout the whole registration process of their newly created trademark name in their respective economic fields. During this process present are tasks of trademark name creation, uniqueness checks, modifications for uniqueness or magnificence, filing application for trademark registration with any Indian or foreign trademark office, and trademark prosecution in India or any desired foreign jurisdiction. These all tasks are carried out and performed as per the rules and regulations provided in the new Trade Marks Act of 1999, and Trade Marks Rules of 2002, of the federal government of India. Vast country of India has as much as five regional trademark offices well-established in Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad, for supervising registration of trademarks and service marks, and regulation of the trademark rights of the owner companies. Any of these trademark offices is contacted for registration or other purposes, depending on the location of the applicant entity. The foreign trademark registrations of Indian entities are also made under the above given international conventions.

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