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Trademark Renewal India

The Trademark Renewal is the essential task which is performed regularly for keeping up legal recognition of a registered trademark or service mark within the specified jurisdiction, and to avail all legitimate rights granted to the trademark owner through trademark registration. A trademark renewal is mandatory well within the recommended validation period of the initial trademark registration or within the expiration period of former trademark renewal. In general, in most of the countries of the world, the proper registration of a trademark grants recognition and protection to the registered trademark for a period ranging from seven years to ten years, depending upon the individual countries or the international trademark conventions.

In India, the term of validation for any registered trademark is for ten years from the date of its registration, with any zonal trademark office of India. Thus, a trademark renewal in india extends the trademark protection period in all across the whole country for another ten years. If due trademark renewal is not done punctually, validation of the registered trademark would be eliminated, and the owner of such a trademark would be made bereft of all trademark rights, in context of all commercial or professional uses of the trademark within the concerned country or international jurisdiction. Hence, trademark renewal is inevitable and vital for full security to a registered trademark, and full effectiveness of all granted trademark rights. The lower section, offers more detailed information about our prompt, perfect, and responsible trademark renewal services in India and abroad.

Trademark Renewal Services

Punctual and fully responsible services for trademark renewals (tm renewals) are a significant supporting part of ours full gamut of legal services regarding trademarks and services marks related with all economic sectors. These services can easily and promptly be utilized by entities located in all across India and the whole world, in connection with their national and international trademark renewals. The domestic trademark renewals of Indian companies and firms are processed with the relevant zonal trademark office of India, and their international trademark renewals are performed under treaties like TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, or the European Community Trademark. Any one or more of these international conventions could become relevant, depending upon the business requirement and preferences of Indian entities active in diverse economic sectors. Again, the trademark renewal can be made in two ways, one-time renewal and the other is yearly-based renewal.

In India, both these renewal facilities are available. In one-time renewal, the full renewal fees are remitted at a time, for the entire ten years. On the other hand, in yearly renewals, a certain amount of renewal fee is sent every year to the relevant trademark office, continuously for ten years, in order to obtain trademark renewal for entire ten years. Both these categories of trademark renewals are undertaken and executed by our lawyers for trademark renewals in every part of India and the world. Moreover, our lawyers can also forward early reminders to our clients regarding the upcoming renewal dates of their trademarks and service marks.

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