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Trademark Registration Jaipur

Glorious capital of Rajasthan, and the largest city of this historic State, Jaipur is famous nationwide and worldwide for a variety of tourism, gems and jewelry, sandstones, and industries in diverse economic fields. Therefore, this Pink City of India is highly suitable for receiving our legal services in various legal disciplines. In this article, we are presenting detailed and highly beneficial information about ours economical and swift services for trademark registration jaipur. Extensive, rich, and varied Rajasthan has been utilizing ours these legal services for a long time for its fast progress in various economic fields.

Established in 1727, and containing a massive population of over 3 million, Jaipur is now progressing fast in the industrial, commercial, professional, and service sectors, since last few decades. Today, the most well-developed and fast flourishing economic fields of Jaipur are related with agricultural goods and products, gems and jewelry items, marble and granite sandstones, textiles, ferrous and non-ferrous castings, electrical and electronic equipments and devices, light to heavy steel fabrication, cement, chemicals, tourism and hospitality, handicrafts, PVC products, business outsourcing, and many other products and fields. All types of trademarks and service marks related with these fields are well-served by ours expert and reasonably-priced trademark services jaipur. Both categories of registrations national and international, are undertaken and adeptly performed by ours tm services jaipur. Owing to these capabilities our internationally renowned law firm is now conspicuously famous for tm registration jaipur, and in other cities of India.

All newly created trademarks and service marks by companies, industries, and firms established in Jaipur, are registered and regulated by the regional trademark office located in Ahmedabad, in accordance with the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. These national-level registrations enable these entities for conducting their businesses in any part of Rajasthan or the whole country of India, using thus registered trademarks or service marks. For help to those business-owners of Jaipur who desire to extend their businesses to foreign countries, we offer proficient support regarding their trademark registrations under TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. Every significant and trivial task during the trademark registration process in India or any desired foreign country, is flawlessly and scrupulously done by ours internationally famed trademark attorneys.

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